
Integration & Implementation

We help seamlessly blend your existing systems with the robust capabilities of Basiq360. Our services ensure a harmonious synchronization of diverse technologies, optimizing your operational efficiency and unlocking new avenues of productivity.


Our Core Integrations

We understand your business operates on multiple platforms, each serving a specific role. Our Integration & Implementation services connect Basiq360 with popular industry applications, creating an integrated, efficient ecosystem:

  • SAP

    Our SAP integration synchronizes Basiq360’s automation features with SAP’s powerful ERP capabilities. This integration allows for streamlined operations and improved data flow, leading to more informed business decisions.

  • WhatsApp Integration

    Basiq360’s WhatsApp integration simplifies streamlined communications by delivering real-time notifications on leads, sales, inventory, and more directly to your team’s WhatsApp. Empower your team with the information they need when they need it.

  • Tally

    Our Tally integration automates your financial tasks, merging them with Basiq360’s features. It provides real-time financial insights, improving financial management and driving business growth.

  • Busy

    Integrating Busy with Basiq360 offers a comprehensive view of your financial data within a single platform. It facilitates informed decision-making and enhances financial transparency.

  • B2B Marketplaces

    Expand your reach and streamline operations with Basiq360’s integration with India’s top B2B marketplaces like Indiamart, TradeIndia, and JustDial. Supercharge lead generation, boost visibility, and simplify order management across multiple platforms. Embark on a journey of seamless operations and automated workflows with Basiq360’s Integration & Implementation services. We’re dedicated to helping you navigate the complexities of business operations, paving the way for sustained growth and success.


Our Integration & Implementation Services

Transitioning to a new system can be challenging. Our Implementation Services are designed to ensure a smooth, efficient deployment of Basiq360 in your organization. We collaborate with you at every step, providing tailored solutions for your unique business needs.

  • Project Planning

    We kick-start the process with thorough planning. Our team will design an implementation strategy tailored to your organization’s unique needs, considering all aspects, from timelines to resource allocation.

  • Customization

    We ensure that Basiq360 fits seamlessly into your existing workflow. Our experts customize the platform based on your requirements, ensuring minimal disruption and maximum utility.

  • Training

    Our services go beyond mere implementation. We offer comprehensive training programs to equip your team with the knowledge and skills to leverage Basiq360 effectively. Our training covers all features of Basiq360, ensuring your team can make the most of the platform.

  • Ongoing Support

    Our commitment to your success extends beyond the implementation phase. We provide continuous support and periodic reviews to ensure your Basiq360 experience is smooth, efficient, and profitable.


Ready to Grow Your

Get hands-on with a free demo today, or contact
our team to discuss your unique needs.

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