
Annual maintenance contracts (AMC)

Our maintenance offerings are carefully designed to ensure the longevity and optimal performance of your Basiq360 systems. With our service of easy-to-subscribe annual maintenance contracts or AMCs, we assure ongoing support, system maintenance, and a commitment to your business success.


Proactive Preventative Maintenance

Our Proactive Preventative Maintenance service is designed to safeguard your Basiq360 systems from potential issues before they become disruptive problems. We conduct regular system check-ups to identify and rectify any minor issues early. Our preventative maintenance services include:

  • Regular system health check-ups to ensure smooth operation
  • Early detection and resolution of potential problems to prevent system downtime
  • System optimization to ensure you’re getting the best performance
  • Performance tuning to enhance speed and efficiency

Prompt On-Demand Repairs

Issues can occur unexpectedly, but our On-Demand Repair service ensures they’re resolved promptly. Our team of experts stands ready to troubleshoot and resolve any problems, minimizing disruption to your operations. Our on-demand repair services include:

  • Immediate response and resolution of reported issues
  • Expert troubleshooting to pinpoint and rectify problems
  • Performance restoration to ensure your system is back up and running efficiently
  • Post-repair system checks to confirm problem resolution and prevent a recurrence

Regular Software Updates

Stay on top of our system’s latest features and security improvements. We regularly update your Basiq360 systems to ensure it remains secure, efficient, and feature-rich. Our software update services include:

  • Regular software updates to equip your system with the latest features
  • Installation of new features to expand your system’s capabilities
  • Security enhancements to protect your system and data
  • System compatibility checks to ensure seamless integration with other software

Comprehensive User Support

Beyond system maintenance, we understand the importance of user proficiency for maximizing the benefits of Basiq360. Our User Support service provides comprehensive assistance to your team, ensuring they can effectively use the Basiq360 systems. Our user support services include:

  • User training to educate your team on using Basiq360
  • Quick resolution of user issues to minimize disruption
  • Guidance on using new features for maximizing system benefits
  • Best practice advice to optimize your usage of Basiq360

Flexible Customization Services

Your needs from the Basiq360 systems may also change as your business evolves. Our Customization Service allows your system to adapt alongside your business. We ensure Basiq360 continues to serve your needs optimally by customizing its functionalities. Our customization services include:

  • System customization to meet evolving business needs
  • Addition of new functionalities to expand your system’s capabilities
  • Custom reports and dashboard creation for tailored business insights
  • System scalability adjustments to handle an increased workload

Ready to Grow Your

Get hands-on with a free demo today, or contact
our team to discuss your unique needs.

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