
Boost Your CPG Business With Basiq360 Loyalty & Rewards Program

Boost Your CPG Business With Basiq360 Loyalty & Rewards Program

CPG, short for consumer packaged goods, refers to a market characterized by low-cost items that are rapidly consumed, such as bottled water, juices, fruits, vegetables, cosmetics, dry foods, and more. Considering the escalating competition, there’s an immediate requirement for a unique retailer loyalty platform.

Retailer loyalty platforms are rewards programs designed to strengthen your bond with your supply chain partners. They cultivate unwavering retailer loyalty towards your brand, paving the way for substantial profits.

Basiq360 has introduced such a program through its Loyalty & Rewards Management. This QR code-based product aids in constructing an efficient loyalty platform.

Why a CPG brand requires a QR-based retailer loyalty platform

The CPG sector spans a vast industry, with multiple competitive online and offline brands. Consequently, adopting innovative digital methods to foster loyalty among retailers toward your brand is crucial.

Your brand likely encounters the following challenges:

Digital Gratification Deficit

There’s a plethora of brands in circulation. However, your CPG brand’s major disadvantage may be the lack of means to offer instant gratification to your supply chain partners.

Loyalty Concerns

Without a robust, well-crafted loyalty platform, retailers find it challenging to engage with your brand. In addition, poor service to supply chain partners can erode your brand’s credibility. Finally, diminished retailer loyalty decreases customer engagement, as retailers are usually your brand ambassadors.

Traceability Issues

The absence of digitized solutions results in inadequate tracking and tracing. The CPG business suffers substantially due to the lack of technological methods for tracing and validating real-time data about retailers and distributors.

Revenue Reduction

Your revenue is inevitably impacted if rival CPG brands offer superior loyalty platforms. If retailers are dissatisfied, they will not assist in promoting and engaging with the brand, resulting in poor customer response and reduced earnings.

Vulnerability to Counterfeiting

CPG businesses need to adopt QR code-based strategies to safeguard against market counterfeiters. Without a digitalized supply chain, monitoring and preventing counterfeit goods is impossible.

Advantages of a QR code-based Loyalty & Rewards system for business growth

Immediate Incentives and Rewards

A QR code-based loyalty platform allows retailers to scan the QR code instantly and receive the reward, either as cash back for large sales to consumers or as a discount applicable to future purchases.

Enhanced Communication

QR code technology enables constant interaction and connection with your retailers. Retailers feel emotionally connected when they can contact you seamlessly. That’s only achievable due to the digitized supply chain maintained via QR codes.

Supply Chain Traceability

Our Loyalty & Rewards System allows you to create a combined traceability and loyalty platform. You can scan the movement of your inventory at any point across the digital supply chain, which operates based on the QR codes affixed to each product.


Our Loyalty & Rewards System has a proven track record in aiding multiple industries to enhance their authenticity. A QR code-based Loyalty & Rewards system helps establish loyalty and exerts control over counterfeit products. In addition, QR codes are single-use, making them impossible to duplicate.

Brand Reputation

A retailer loyalty platform built on QR codes provides numerous benefits to retailers. As the backbone of any business, satisfied and engaged retailers will promote positive aspects of your business.

Growth in Customer Base

Increased retailer confidence and loyalty are likely to boost your customer base. In addition, strong retailer loyalty reduces marketing costs and the need for direct customer engagement.


The CPG industry frequently faces loyalty issues concerning retailers and distributors. QR code technology offers instant benefits and enables easy scanning via mobile phone scanners, helping you retain data for your supply chain partners. This data can be utilized for effective marketing, and simultaneously, it serves as a means for retailers to earn rewards.

Our QR code-based Loyalty & Rewards System serves a dual purpose. First, it assists in shaping your loyalty and rewards system. Second, it acts as a traceability platform.

Get in touch with us to revolutionize your approach towards retailers and elevate your CPG business with our Loyalty & Rewards System in terms of:

  • Revenue
  • Traceability
  • Anti-Counterfeiting
  • Undivided loyalty of retailers and customers

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